Thursday, April 8, 2010

My Latest Videos

the last few weeks i have had the chance to record and upload a bunch of new videos. they are just from life around here in Atlanta with my wife and friends. we had our anniversary, good friday service and opening day at the Braves. i also had a senior shoot with andy brophy and then some really cool videos with the help of gaby moreno. check them out and let me know what you think.

David Chandler - Senior Shoot

the pictures for this shoot can be seen here:

Atkins Anniversary - this was our ONE year anniversary. it was great to hang out with my wonderful wife in Atlanta and enjoy being together. I love her dearly

My Daily Pursuit - as you listen to the audio, you will hear what i desire my life to be about.

Afternoon Drive - One day i went for a drive and got some shots with this new camera

The Search - a short video of Gaby Moreno, she is looking for something and finds the Cross

Life Outside - this is a video of some random things that we find outside our homes.

On a Swing - Gaby simply spends some time on the swing

Opening Day at the Braves

as you have seen some of the shots on this blog has a super 8 look, it is made by a camera called the zumi 2.0. they are available at the end of april on this site

1 comment:

marcus said...

and here i would have thought microwaving video camera's would be bad for them. shows what i know.

this is me

My photo
atlanta, GA, United States
a husband, friend and follower of christ
